Monday, March 2, 2009

My Private Nurse

This past week, I got hit by the flu as did about 4 others in the house. I am just glad it didn't happen a week earlier when I was out of the country. I awoke Tuesday morning in my motel in Pensacola and knew it was going to be a bad day, I just didn't know how bad. I finished my work Wednesday afternoon and God was truly my co-pilot for my 200 mile trip home. Thursday through Sunday, I had my own private nurse - Nastya. She would come to me on the couch (where I was living) and would keep me covered up with her own baby blanket and about three others. Each time, she would cover me up and pat me on the forehead. She would always say something, but in my sick induced brain fog, I could never tell what it was.

Thank you God, for ALL my blessings...