Sunday, August 17, 2008

Beach Trip

Last weekend, we loaded up the Suburban and took our first trip to the beach for the summer. A little late I know, but we have not had any time. I did try to get reservations back in July, but the places we looked into were full. We drove down to Pensacola and the weather could not have been better! The beach wasn't too crowded and the water was crystal clear. The best part is that we only saw two jelly fish and no sting rays!

Everyone enjoyed the sand, water and sea shells. There was a beach (Sea of Japan) about 300 yards from our hotel in Vladivostok. We walked down there with the kids while we were there, but you couldn't pay me to get in the water (the Gulf Coast has spoiled me with it's clear water). So Polina, Nastya and Dima had been to the beach, they just had not been in the ocean. They loved the water and after an hour or so, they even enjoyed getting knocked down by the waves.


Carey and Norman said...

How fun. The beach looks fun and refreshing. Glad you were able to take the kids before the weather gets cooler. I enjoyed all the photos!

Troy and Rachel said...

That's great that you had the chance to go! It looks like you all had a great time!

ohhollyf said...

Congrats on this adoption !
They look so happy and "free".
We have a 6yr.old adopted from Ukraine 4 yrs. ago, he is such a joy to us.