Friday, June 18, 2010

Adoption Project

Just a short update. On Wednesday, Dawn and I got word we had been approved for a project with Both Hands Foundation (see link on the right side of screen)! Our project is not listed yet, but it will be soon. We are very excited about this opportunity to help a widow in need and at the same time, raise money to help fund our adoption.

I was a bit arrogant in the beginning of this process thinking I was going to take care of things on my own. This was so wrong for many reasons because most of it had to do with pride. I don't like asking for help. You would think I would have learned my lesson from the last adoption. Like the Israelites during the exodus, I have a short memory. I was reminded in February that I can't do anything without Him. I am a bit embarrassed that I actually thought this way. It's by His grace that I wake up every morning and I thought I would petition a foreign government and the US government to allow me to adopt a child - all with out His help. How arrogant!

More to come . . .

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