Thursday, March 17, 2011

Second Week Home

I finally figured out how to get the photos off my iPod - I e-mailed them to myself! I don't consider myself technically challenged but I have seen better instruction manuals translated from Portuguese (which can be quite amusing).

Alexander is learning about being in a family and we are learning a lot about him. Being deaf, he uses facial expressions to get his point across a lot of the time and at times he will leave you in stitches. I had to leave Monday for work in Mississippi and I did not return until this afternoon. I know he did not understand what was going on Monday when he saw me dressed and walking out with my suitcase. He waved goodbye and had a weak smile that turned to tears. I know the other three youngest had a hard time with me travelling for work. At least with them, I could call and talk over the telephone to them. I guess we will have to go with Skype video calls for him.

He is learning some ASL and his appetite has gotten much, much better. He is not as picky as he was last week. He is VERY proud of his clothes. He knows they are his and does not like to part with them - particularly his shoes. The only time he will let you take them off is when he climbs in bed. I know this is all part of his previous life and he will grow out of it.

Like any child with a past like his, he will definitely test you to see who has the strongest will. He likes buttons and switches - a lot (just like two other children used too). So he will turn every light on in the house and constantly mess with the television (volume or channels). After grabbing his hands, looking him in the eye and saying "no" (and signing), he will look up at you and slide the hand back to where the button or switch was.

The kids are doing pretty good with the transition. I know it has been difficult for all of them and I appreciate their patience. Last Saturday we took them ice skating as a treat.

Thanks for the prayers, we still have a long road to travel once we get a medical evaluation.

- Tony B.

1 comment:

Craig and Phyllis said...

Loved the pictures!! And so glad to hear that he is learning to eat a bit better. I had to laugh about the light switches, though! : o Oh, I remember those days. I have never seen such an obsession in all my life! Well, I'll pray that some airplane does not mistake your home for a landing strip. : )