Sunday, December 9, 2007

Back Home in Alabama

Well, after two days and a little over 20 hours of air travel, we are back home with our children. It was very hard getting on the plane in Moscow knowing that I was leaving half my family behind. Oddly, it was harder then than it was when we left Vladivostok. I guess my thinking was even though they were 9 hours (by plane) away, I was still in the same country. However, I do know the orphanage workers care a lot for them and they are in good hands.

It was so good to come home and hold and hug our kids. I am so impressed by them and what they were able to manage this week. Jeremy and Christina held down the fort here at home and spent time with Grandaddy. Sarah spent time with friends and had a blast. I think spending time with the girls helped prepare her for two new sisters and a little brother.

We learned we could write the kids (in Russia) letters and such via the agency office in St. Louis. We plan to do that and let Big Sister read the letters to her brother and sister. For now, we plan to write the letters and get help from our friends in Birmingham (that operate a school for Russian speaking kids) interpret them.

Thanks so much for all of the prayers. On the trip, we could actually see and experience many prayers that were answered. Dawn and I can't thank you enough for the way you have lifted our entire family.

Folks, there are a lot of amazing older kids (4 and above) in Russia and Ukraine that need a momma and papa. People often come up, with the best intentions and emotions, and tell us what a wonderful thing we're doing. Let me assure everyone, this adoption is a blessing from God and a true honor. Those three children did more for me this past week than I could ever do in return. If God is tugging on your heart as He did ours, please listen to him.

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