Sunday, June 15, 2008

Family Photo - Father's Day

Today we took the kids to Sunday School and church - their first time. Dawn and I went into Sunday School with Nastya and Dima. They speak little to no English at this time and I did not want to turn Dima loose on a poor unsuspecting teacher. He did very good though! He told the teacher (in Russian) hello and thank you! I was really proud of him because he can really be a handle if thinks he can get away with it. Polina went into a class with Sarah and also did well. I think at times, she got a little overwhelmed because at any given moment, there were about 4-5 little girls surrounding her. When we got to the sanctuary after Sunday School, she huddled close to me and wrapped her arm around mine. Then, during announcements, our whole family was called to the front for a special gift. One by one ALL the kids were handed a gift. You should have seen their eyes! Our new additions were each given large baskets with toys and new clothes. Jeremy, Christina and Sarah were each given a gift card to Target. Our church family has been such an amazing blessing throughout this process! We will never be able to thank them enough. Dozens came by to tell us that they had been praying for us, not only through the process, but during our recent travel. That alone is such a blessing to know that so many cared to include us in their prayers. That is something Dawn and I truly cherish and value!

The kids are really doing well. Dima has learned that he must obey, although like any five year old, he will often choose not to listen. This afternoon, Nastya tattled on him and told me Dima had put the kitten and it's food in my car. I opened the door, got the kitten out and told him he had to clean up the food. He almost started to cry, but he cleaned it up. He found some change in the seat and showed it to me. I told him he could have it and to put it in his pocket. That seemed to make it all better in his eyes. Nastya is doing well and is very attached to Dawn. Thursday she found the scissors and trimmed her own hair. Dawn had to try and even it out and had a hard time. Her hair is now a short shag. Polina has started to let her guard down more and is not as guarded as she was just a week ago. I have to admit I cut her a lot of slack and at times I get pretty frustrated with her. Yesterday she was climbing the magnolia tree in the in the front yard. It started lightening and I told her to get down and she did not want to. I had to get stern with her and she knew I was aggravated. Right now she is very upset we will not let her call her aunt in Russia. At $5 a minute we just can't afford it ( I checked at&t as well as my mobile service - same price). I did let her call her friend that lives in California. Masha was adopted at the same time. They talked for about 30 minutes and everything was fine until we tried to explain she could not call her aunt. Polina e-mailed the aunt last week, but the aunt has not responded. I don't know why and I can't "fix" that problem. We told her we could write her a letter and send her pictures, but she is still upset.

Today was Father's Day and what a special moment to be at church celebrating this day with my six wonderful children! Children are a special blessing from God and whether you have one or ten, it is a wonderful feeling! So to my family and extended internet family, Happy Father's Day!


Bill and Myra said...

Tony and Dawn,

I have some flash cards I made for JR (see my blog). I can send them to you if they will help. I know you have resources there but if it will help, please let me know.

Regarding the phone calls to Russia - Skype is very cheap. We called Sergei's internat/orphanage and it works pretty well (2 to 3 cents per minute to a home phone). It works great for calls orignating here. I call my sister in London on it when I can remember the time difference.

Happy Father's Day. I love the family picture! What a blessing!

Blessings to you!


Michelle said...

Happy Papa's Day!!

What a beautiful picture of the family all together!

Thank you SO MUCH, for encouraging me in my faith. I just cannot tell you how much it means to me, that others get where I am coming from and not looking at me like I have some denial issue that I need to come to grips with...not yet anyway LOL

Anonymous said...

Tony and Dawn, your family is just beautiful. May the Lord continue to bless you richly.

Troy and Rachel said...

What a wonderful, beautiful family!! Happy Father's Day!

Shane and Kathy Gebhardt said...

I'm just catching up on your blog. I's just crazy when you have a new one at home. I'm sure that you can relate...and you have many more children to keep track of.

I'm so glad that you made it home safely. Your family is beautiful! Congratulations and God's Blessings. Each day will just get better and better!