Monday, May 26, 2008

Baby Steps

Each day that passes is a little better than the previous one. Although there is a short spell once or twice per day where our youngest son has to sit in may lap for some bonding time, I can say we are making progress. He is a typical 5 year old boy with the added issue of never having a mother and father. As a result, there are times when he will openly disobey. We are trying our best to give them a little freedom and easing into the discipline. As Dawn has pointed out, all of them disobey to a degree, the youngest is just a little cuter in her own way. The oldest girl is really very good and will just blink her eyes, smile and say pazholstah (please).

Each night about 8:30, our son will start to act out and it is obvious it is time to settle down for the evening. I will tell him “D___ and Papa spaht” (D___ and Papa sleep – or something close to that anyway). He will go and climb into bed, but at times, like last night, he wants to act out by jumping up and down in bed. That his when I hold him, tell him I love him and to go to sleep. His older sister does not like to see or hear them upset. I assure her he is okay and she will usually go to her room once she sees that he is not hurt. After about 15 minutes, he is fine and settles down. He will then wake up in the morning and say “good morning Papa”.

Our youngest girl has had a a few bumps and bruises from playing with her brother, running on the playground and stuff. She is a real trooper and has handle these bumps like a trooper! She is a dancing machine and her Mama's baby. She too can be hard to settle down at night. This weird time zone where the sun does not go down until 10PM is unbelievable and does not help. In there eyes, the sun is out, it is time to play. Our local facilitator told us that the kids in the orphanage do not go to bed until around 10 for that very reason.

The oldest girl will go to sleep on her own very easy. She has attached herself to Christina and sleeps with her at night. She will get jealous occasionally if she thinks she is not getting enough attention.

Today we had a very special lunch in the restaurant – french fries and Sprite. We have been criticized for giving them a soft drink but that does not bother me. We don't have sweet tea and there are just few options. I am not going to drink one then tell them “no”. We brought tea and have some tea, but it is hard to get it to taste right for some reason.

Well, that's about it. Another day at the Vlad Inn. This afternoon we are supposed to have the kids passport photos made. One step closer to going home...


Bill and Myra said...

I am so glad things are going well. You are in the home stretch!!

Blessings to you and your family!


Mama Fish said...

It sounds like this has been a great time for the kids to begin bonding to both of you, and for your to get a real feel for their personalities. That sun up til 10pm sounds difficult! Especially when little ones need to get their rest! I wonder if fabric over the windows would have helped? We would do that for naps for my boys when they were little. Passport photos sound great! I agree you are in the home stretch!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your children are making wonderful progress with their bonding! Your oldest sounds like such a little mother, bless her heart! As everyone has said, you are in the home stretch and we will pray you through it!

Unknown said...

I am happy that things are going well. Sounds like they are testing their boundaries. Enjoy your time together. Oh, I received a referral! I am waiting on my final medicals before accepting.

Marcie said...

We're praising the Lord that you have the children with you! Every day we look forward to your updates.
Take care.
Love, Marcie and Brent and kiddos