Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Packed and Ready - Finally

Well, it is nearly 2AM and we are finally packed. It is a harder job than you think! One bag each, can't be over 40 pounds (each), clothes for 3.5 weeks and clothes for three children. Copy of dossier ready, paperwork for embassy ready, tickets, passports, cash (hopefully it is all good enough for the money changers).

We'll post when we arrive in Vladivostok. Should arrive Thursday (their time) at about 11:30 AM.

Thanks for all the prayers! God Bless -


The Wilson's said...

Dawn, I am not sure if you are adopting three children or if you have children you are taking with you on the trip, either way -- God bless you. It is a stressful expereince with one child. I pray that your trip goes smoothly and the God blesses you with much patience.

Mama Fish said...

Dawn- Praying for you, for a smooth travel and court and for those children you are adopting. I am looking forward to reading of your trip in Russia!