Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Blessings and Lessons from God

In my walk with the Lord, I have learned that He blesses each person in a different way. Dawn and I have been blessed by six wonderful children, each very special in their own way. We could not have made it this far without the many, many prayers and support of family and friends. So, thank you from the bottom of our heart.

Our new children have shown me patience, love and humbleness. Patience in dealing with the language difference. I am learning new words every day to lessen the frustration they must feel. Last night, our new son had an accident in his pants while we were eating supper with another CHI family. He very well could have told me had to go, but I missed it. I thought I had learned the two potty words, and he did say something earlier in the meal, but I could not tell what he was saying. I assured him it was okay. I think he was afraid we would be mad.

The innocent love they show is genuine and so wonderful! They wake up each morning with a hug and a smile. One of the things they tell you in adoption classes is that you should prepare yourself that your children may never love you. They are very open with their love towards us and are very guarded when we are in public. They stay close to us. I believe our oldest thinks someone may take her away from us because she does not like being around other locals. They also care very much for each other and do not like being to far away from each other. I think the fact that they understand each other helps with the transition.

Humbleness. Last night, the two youngest got in the tub – they love the tub! After a while, their sister came in, took off her tights and got in the tub and washed each of her siblings hair and bathed them. Afterwards, she got out, dried her legs and put her tights back on. Poor child has had to look after her brother and sister her whole life and she will show her care and affection towards them when you least expect it.

I will not sugar coat the past couple of days. There have been some difficult times but nothing that comes close to the joy the experience has been. Night times are tough because they do not like to settle down. The fact that the sun is out until 9:30PM does not help! We did manage to get to bed at 8PM last night which is better.

We miss our two back home a lot. Speaking to Jeremy each morning is wonderful, but it does not replace me hugging him good night each night. Yes, I hug my tall 17 year old each night I'm home and tell him I love him. I do that with each child and not being able to do it with Jeremy and Sarah right now is hard.

So long for now....


Joel and Clarion said...

Thanks for continuing to share your experiences over there. Our prayers are with you guys. How blessed those three children are to have you as their new mama and papa. Enjoy the time in Vlad.

junglemama said...

How wonderful! When do you think you will come home?

Anonymous said...

Good to know you are well. We pray for you daily. Keep the updates coming!

MamaSten said...

We are so happy for you and can't wait to read more of your adventure. Congratulations!